This set of 6 postcards is very typical of the postcards issued during the First World War. Usually these cards are in sets of 6 cards, all with very similar pictures and a common title, in this case "Die Sonne Sank im Westen", translated as "The Sun Sank in the West".
These cards all feature an injured soldier being comforted by comrade. Although the images are slightly different, and these are photographed in black and white, the text is exactly the same as the earlier Series 2587. The reverse of the cards is however very different from those of series 2587 and all have a large "Kriegs Karte" heading with a 1914 Iron Cross medal as below.
This first card in the series is inscribed:"Die Sonne Sank im Westen,
mit ihr schlacht,
Es senket ihre Schleier die tiefe, dunkle Nacht
Und zwischen vielen Toten, lag sterbend ein Soldat.
Es Kniet an seiner Seite sein treuer Kamerad."
mit ihr schlacht,
Es senket ihre Schleier die tiefe, dunkle Nacht
Und zwischen vielen Toten, lag sterbend ein Soldat.
Es Kniet an seiner Seite sein treuer Kamerad."
"The sun sank in the west
with it shone out the shaft;
It lowered its veils the deep, dark night
And among many dead, a soldier lay dying.
Kneeling at his side his faithful comrade.
with it shone out the shaft;
It lowered its veils the deep, dark night
And among many dead, a soldier lay dying.
Kneeling at his side his faithful comrade.
No. 1
This second card in the series is inscribed:"Die Sonne Sank im Westen
Ach Bruder, liebster Bruder, gieb mir den Abschiedskuβ,
Ich fühle daβ ich sterbe
Und von hier scheiden muβ"
Ach Bruder, liebster Bruder, gieb mir den Abschiedskuβ,
Ich fühle daβ ich sterbe
Und von hier scheiden muβ"
"The sun sank in the west
Oh brother, dearest brother, give me the farewell kiss,
I feel that I am dying
And have to leave here"
Oh brother, dearest brother, give me the farewell kiss,
I feel that I am dying
And have to leave here"
No. 2
This Third card in the series is inscribed:"Die Sonne Sank im Westen.
Zieh mir den Ring vom Finger,
wenn ich gestorben bin,
Nimm alle meine Briefe,
die im Tornister sind."
Zieh mir den Ring vom Finger,
wenn ich gestorben bin,
Nimm alle meine Briefe,
die im Tornister sind."
"The sun sank in the west
Pull the ring off my finger,
when I have died,
Take all my letters,
That are in my knapsack."
Pull the ring off my finger,
when I have died,
Take all my letters,
That are in my knapsack."
No. 3
This Fourth card in the series is inscribed:"Die Sonne Sank im Westen.
Und wenn du einst nach Jahren zur Heimat kehrst zurück,
So nehme meinem Liebchen
Dies teure Kleinod mit."
Und wenn du einst nach Jahren zur Heimat kehrst zurück,
So nehme meinem Liebchen
Dies teure Kleinod mit."
"The sun sank in the west
And when you return to your homeland after years,
Take to my love
This precious jewel with you."
And when you return to your homeland after years,
Take to my love
This precious jewel with you."
No. 4
This Fifth card in the series is inscribed:"Die Sonne Sank im Westen.
Sag ihr, ich wär geblieben, bei Sedan in der Schlacht,
Hätt' in den letzten Zügen,
Noch treu an sie gedacht."
Sag ihr, ich wär geblieben, bei Sedan in der Schlacht,
Hätt' in den letzten Zügen,
Noch treu an sie gedacht."
"The sun sank in the west
Tell her I stayed at Sedan in the battle,
Would have been on my last legs,
Still faithfully thought of her."
Tell her I stayed at Sedan in the battle,
Would have been on my last legs,
Still faithfully thought of her."
No. 5
This sixth and final card in the series is inscribed:"Die Sonne Sank im Westen.
und wird sie einst geführet, von And'rem zum Altar,
Soll sie an den noch denken,
der einst getreu ihr war!"
und wird sie einst geführet, von And'rem zum Altar,
Soll sie an den noch denken,
der einst getreu ihr war!"
"The sun sank in the west
And once she is led by others to the altar,
she shall remember him
who once was true to her!."
And once she is led by others to the altar,
she shall remember him
who once was true to her!."
No. 6