This series of postcards is very typical of the type of postcards that were being published in Germany in the early years of the Second World War. As far as I have seen the series runs from 3510 to 3557 which gives a total of 47 cards, although there may well be more postcards that fall outside of this range. I also do not know who the publsiher is, although the series is titled WEHRMACHT-BILDSERIE or Wehrmacht Image Series.Based on the equipment featured, and the uniforms worn by the soldiers, this set of postcards was likely issued sometime between late 1940 and the end of 1941.
No. 3510
No. 3510
(Point Fire)
(Point Fire)
From My Collection

No. 3511 and 3512

No. 3511
No. 3512

No. 3513 and 3514
No. 3513
Im Niemandsland
(In No-Man's Land)
Im Niemandsland
(In No-Man's Land)
From My Collection
No. 3514

No. 3515 and 3516
No. 3515
Artillerie - Duell inmitten der Straβe
(Artillery duel in the middle of the street)
Artillerie - Duell inmitten der Straβe
(Artillery duel in the middle of the street)
From My Collection
No. 3516
Photographs 3515, 3535 and 3538 all look to be taken from the same street and the same engagement.

No. 3517 and 3518

No. 3517
No. 3518

No. 3519 and 3520

No. 3519
No. 3520

No. 3521 and 3522

No. 3521
No. 3522

No. 3523 and 3524
No. 3523
Vorwärts - Marsch, Marsch!
(Forward - march, march!)
Vorwärts - Marsch, Marsch!
(Forward - march, march!)
From My Collection
No. 3524

No. 3525 and 3526

No. 3525
No. 3526

No. 3527 and 3528

No. 3527
No. 3528

No. 3529 and 3530

No. 3529
No. 3530

No. 3531 and 3532
No. 3531
Stoβtrupp legt an
(Shock Troops Arrive)
Stoβtrupp legt an
(Shock Troops Arrive)
From My Collection
No. 3532

No. 3533 and 3534

No. 3533
No. 3534

No. 3535 and 3536
No. 3535
Feuerberiet auch in den Straβen
(Fire advice also in the streets)
Feuerberiet auch in den Straβen
(Fire advice also in the streets)
From My Collection
No. 3536
Photographs 3515, 3535 and 3538 all look to be taken from the same street and the same engagement.

No. 3537 and 3538
No. 3537
No. 3538
Im Feuer der Granaten
(In the fire of the grenades)
Im Feuer der Granaten
(In the fire of the grenades)
From My Collection
Photographs 3515, 3535 and 3538 all look to be taken from the same street and the same engagement.

No. 3539 and 3540

No. 3539
No. 3540

No. 3541 and 3542

No. 3541
No. 3542

No. 3543 and 3544

No. 3543
No. 3544

No. 3545 and 3546

No. 3545
No. 3546

No. 3547 and 3548

No. 3547
No. 3548

No. 3549 and 3550
No. 3549
No. 3550
Uber Stock und Stein - - Vorwarts
(Over hill and dale - - Forward)
Uber Stock und Stein - - Vorwarts
(Over hill and dale - - Forward)
From My Collection
3550: This photograph shows a leichter Zugkraftwagen (Sd. Kfz. 11) a 3 ton halftrack designed to carry troops around the battlefield as well as reconnaisance. Despite the ability to travel over difficult terrain the lack of armour made the Sd.Kfz.11 vulnerable to enemy fire forcing the engineers into a redisgn and the construction of the Sd.Kfz 250 which appeared in June 1941.

No. 3551 and 3552

No. 3551
No. 3552

No. 3553 and 3554
No. 3553
No. 3554
Der Flammenwerfer speit den Tod
(The flamethrower spits death)
Der Flammenwerfer speit den Tod
(The flamethrower spits death)
From My Collection

No. 3555 and 3556

No. 3555
No. 3556

No. 3557 and 3558
No. 3557
Vor dem Sturm
(Before the storm)
Vor dem Sturm
(Before the storm)
From My Collection
No. 3558