(20th/21st Jan 1940)

This postcard was issued to commemorate Offering Day/Sacrifice Day of the War Winterhilfswerk (W.H.W). The annual event had its roots in the early years of the First World War, when fundraising events would be held in many German towns and cities. The donations from the people were used to support the war effort as well as the German Red Cross and widows and orphans.

No. 1
This striking postcard was created by artist Leo Flach and depicts a medieval knight with the inscription "MAINFRÄNKISCHER - OPFERTAG - KRIEGS - WHW 1939-40" - 'MAINFRÄNKISCHER - SACRIFICE DAY - WAR - WHW 1939-40'. On the lower edge of the image is another inscription 'Fighting and ready to sacrifice'.
The front of this card depicts Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden (1655-1707) also known as "Turkenlouis", and is inscribed "Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm | DER WACHTER AM OBERRHEIN" - 'Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm | THE GUARD ON THE UPPER RHINE'.On the reverse of the card, at the top edge, is the inscription "Grenzgau=Opfergau Kriegs=WhW 1939/40 | 24./25. Februar: Opfertag des Grenzgaues Baden" - 'Grenzgau = victim district war = WhW 1939/40 | 24./25. February: Day of sacrifice in the Baden border district'.
Along the lower left edge is a further inscription "Je näher der Grenze und Gefahr, desto treuer, zuverlässiger!" - 'The closer to the limit and danger, the more faithful, more reliable!'
The following postcard was postally used and has a BAHNPOST cancellation dated 25.2.41