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Please note the following for this website. Official Postcards are defined as:

1. Postcards of the German Empire issued by the Official German postal Authority, from 1873 until 1945.

2. Postcards that were generally available throughout the entire country and have a pre-printed (Indicia) stamp to cover the cost of postage.

The vast majority of official postcards have no printing on the reverse side so no image of the reverse side is provided, except in the few instances where there was something printed on the reverse of the card.


P20, P22, P24, P26, P28, P29, P30, P31
P32, P33, P34, P36, P38 and P42

The postcards on this page all have the same 5Pf, green, 'number in circle with crown' stamp inscribed 'REICHSPOST'. They can be divided firstly by the spacing of the dotted address lines. There are two variations in the spacing: Postcards P20 and P24 as well as reply cards P22 and P26 all have a spacing between the dotted address lines of 10:11:11mm. All other postcards and reply cards have a spacing of 15:15:10mm.

Spacing 10:11:11
Spacing 15:15:10

The next thing to look at is the control data, these can either be just numbers, numbers and a letter, no data, a watermark and or gaps in the dotted address lines (quite a few possibilities). Check out the card you are looking for and note these details then scroll down the page until you find a postcard/reply card that matches these features



Issued 1889. The address line spacing is almost uniform with spacing measuring (10:11:11mm). The printing date is at the bottom right-hand side of the card and consists of only numbers (no letters). There are no sub-types for this postcard, however there are printing errors as follows:
P20 Fd I: Print date of "089" instead of "1089" or with a damaged foot on the "1" of the print date.
P20 Fd II: Without print date.
P20 Fd III: Postcard printed with the 'An'
P20 Fd IV: Plate fault with thick white line at the bottom of the upper right curl of the value stamp (also found on P28).

A P20 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" directly over "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 10: 11: 11mm. And:
4. Control Date: Only numbers (P20 Fd II no numbers). And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line.


Valid control and gap data for P20:
P20: 689(L10 or R5), 789(L5, L10, R15, R20 or R25), 889(L5, L15, L30, R5, R15 or R20), 989(L5, L20, L25, L30 or R15), 1089(L5, L10, L15, L30 or R5), 1189(L5, L30, R5, R15 or R20), 1289(L5, L10, L15, R5 or R20), 190(L5, L10, L30, R15, R20 or R25), 290(L5, L15, L20, L30, R5 or R20), 390(L5, L10, L20, L30, R5, R15 or R25), 490(L5, L15, L20, L30, R15, R25), 590(L5, L20, L30, R5 or R15), 690(L5, L15, L20, R5, R15 or R20), 790(L5, L10, L15, L30, R5 or R30), 890(L5, L10, R5, R20).
P20 Fd I: 089(L10 or R5)
P20 Fd II: No control date but gaps at L5, L30 or R15
P20 Fd III: 590(L30),



Issued 1889. The address line spacing is almost uniform with spacing measuring (10:11:11mm). The printing date is at the bottom right-hand side of the card and consists of only numbers (no letters). There are no sub-types for this reply card.

A P22 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" almost over "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 10: 11: 11mm. And:
4. Control Date: Only Number. And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line.


Valid Print Date Control Codes:
P22: 789, 889, 989, 1089, 1189, 1289, 190, 290, 390, 490, 590, 690, 790 and 890. All cards have a gap at position L30 of the 4th dotted addrress line.



Issued: 1890: Changed printing mark, numerals and lower case now on all cards. Address line spacing 10:11:11mm).

A P24 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" directly over "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 10: 11: 11mm. And:
4. Control Date: Numbers and a letter (P24 Fd only numbers). And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line.

Print data 391(f)

Valid control and gap data for P24:
P24: 890(b,c,i,l), 990(a,b,c,d,k), 1090(a,b,c,g,i), 1190(a,b,c,f,g,i), 1290(b,c,f,g,i,k,m), 191(a,b,f,g,i,k), 291(a,b,c,f,g,m) or 391(b,d,f,m).
P24 Fd: 1190(R5), 1290(L10, L15), 191(R5) or 291(R5).


Issued: 1890: Changed printing mark, numerals and lower case now on all cards. Address line spacing 10:11:11mm).

A P26 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" almost over "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 10: 11: 11mm. And:
4. Control Date: Number and letter. And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line. And


Valid Print Date Control Codes:
P26: 890f, 990f, 1090f, 1190f, 1290f, 191f, 291f and 391f.



Issued 1891: Domestic postcards with preprinted (intermediate type), address form with unequal, wide dotted line spacing (15:15:10mm). As before "An" almost above "In" , printing date with digits and lower case letter.

A P28 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" directly over "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Numbers and letter (P28 Fd Numbers only). And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line.


Valid control and gap data for P28:
P28: 391(a,b,g,k), 491(a,b,c,g,k,l), 591(d,g)



Issued 1891: Domestic postcards with preprinted (intermediate type), address form with unequal, wide dotted line spacing (15:15:10mm). As before "An" almost above "In" , printing date with digits and lower case letter.

A P29 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" almost over "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Number and letter. And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line.


Valid Print Date Control Codes:
P29: 391f, 491f and 591f only.


issued 1891: Domestic postcards with renewed preprinted "An" now farther left than "In". Print control data with numbers and lower case letter. With gap in the 4th dotted line and without a watermark.

There are two versions of P30; P30-I with gaps in the 4th dotted address line and P30-II without the gap in the 4th dotted address line.

There are several print errors for P30 as follows:
P30 I Fd I and P30 II Fd I: print date without letter.
P30 I Fd II: print error without the word "An"
P30 PF I: plate fault, there is a dark spot under the 'C' of 'REICHSPOST'.
P30 PF III: with thick white line under the right scroll of the 5Pf stamp.

A P30 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Only numbers (P30 Fd), Numbers and letter (P30I and P30II). And
5. Watermark: No And
6. Gap: P30I - Only in 4th dotted address line, P30II - No gaps. And
7. Thicker solid line under 3rd dotted address line.

P30 I
with gap in 4th dotted address line

Valid control and gap data for P30:
P30-I: 591(a,d,f,g), 691(a,c,d,f,i,m), 791(a,b,f,g,k), 891(a,b,c,d,f,m), 991(a,b,f,g,i,k), 1091(a,c,f,g,i,m), 1191(a,b,c,d,g,k,m), 1291(b,c,f,g,i), 192(a,b,cf,g,k), 292(a,b,c,d,g,m), 392(a,b,f,g,i,m), 492(a,b,c,d,f,g,k), 592(a,b,c,f,g,k), 692(a,b,c,d,g,i), 792(a,b,c,f,g,k,m), 892(a,d,g,i,k), 992(a,b,c,f,k,m), 1092(b,c,f,g,i,m), 1192(a,d,f,g,i,k,m), 1292(a,b,c,d,f,k,m), 193(a,b,f,i,m), 293(a,c,f,g.k), 393(a,b,d,k,m), 493(a,b,c,g,m), 593(a,b,c,d,f,i), 693(a,b,d,g,k,m), 793(a,c,d,f,i,m), 893(a,b,f,g,i,k,m), 993(a,b,c,f,k,m), 1093(a,b,d,f,i,m), 1193(a,b,c,d,f,g,m), 1293(b,c,d,f,i,k,m), 194(a,f,g,i,k,m), 294(a,b,c,f,k,m), 394(a,b,c,f,g,k,m), 494(a,b,g,i,k,m), 594(a,c,d,f,g,m), 694(a,b,f,g), 794(b,c)
P30 I Fd I: 791
P30 I Fd II: 1091(f)
P30 II: 593(m)
P30 II Fd I: 493



Issued 1891: Domestic postcards with renewed preprinted "An" now farther left than "In"; printing mark with numbers and lower case number but only on the question part. With gap in the 4th dotted line and without watermark. P31 exists in three variations: P31(a) green (591-397), P31(b) black-green (497-797) and P31(c) dark green (897-1098).

A P31 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Number and letter. And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: Only in 4th dotted address line.
7, Thicker line under 3rd dotted address line.


Valid Print Date Control Codes:
P31(a): All date codes have a letter 'f'. 591, 691, 791, 991, 1091, 1191, 1291, 192, 292, 392, 492, 592, 692, 792, 892, 992, 1092, 1192, 1292, 193, 293, 393, 493, 493, 593, 693, 793, 893, 993, 1193, 1293, 194, 294, 394, 494, 593, 693, 793, 893, 993, 1193, 1293, 194, 294, 394, 494, 594, 694, 794, 894, 994, 1094, 1194, 1294, 195, 295, 395, 495, 595, 695, 795, 895, 995, 1095, 1195, 1295, 196, 296, 396, 496, 596, 696, 796, 896, 1096, 1196, 197, 297, 397 and 1194a (not 'f').

P31(b): All date codes have a letter 'f': 497, 597, 697 and 797.

P31(c): All date codes have a letter 'f': 797, 897, 997, 1097, 1297, 198, 298, 398, 498, 598, 698, 798, 898, 998 and 1098.



The manufacturing process was now changed to a roller printing process, which was incompatible with control dates in the bottom right-hand corner, so P32 does not exist with control dates. As before there is a thick line under the 3rd dotted address line. Wohnungstype I.

P32 exists either with (P32-I) or without (P32-II) gaps in the 1st, 2nd or 4th dotted address line.

A P32 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: No. And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: P32I - Only in 1st, 1st and 2nd or 4th dotted address line, P32II - No gaps. And
7. 'Wohnungstype' I. And
8. Thicker solid line under 3rd dotted address line.

Attention: P42 is exactly the same except it has a 'wohnungs' Type II.

P32 I
with gaps in dotted address lines

Valid Print Date Control Codes:
P32I: the possible gaps in the dotted lines only appears as follows:
1st line: L5 or R5
1st and 2nd line: L5, R5, R5+R10, R15, R15+R20
4th line: L5


P33 to P35

For P33-P35 the printing date was individually soldered onto the roller. This resulted in varying distances between the pre-print printed date codes.


Issued 1894: Trial issue, with printing mark numerals and lower case letters. As for P30 but with (P33-I) or without (P33-II) gaps in the 1st or the 1st and 2nd dotted line. Wohnungstype I and still without watermark.

P33-I with print date "794" differs from P30-I only by the 'Wohnungs' Type I and perhaps the position of the print control data.

A P33 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Numbers and letter. And
5. Watermark: No And
6. Gap: P33I - Only in 1st or 1st and 2nd dotted address line, P33II - Only in 4th dotted line. And
7. 'Wohnungs' Type I. And
8. Thicker solid line under 3rd dotted address line.


Valid control and gap data for P33:
P33-I: 794 (a,b) with gap at position R5, 794(a,f), 894(f,g,m) with gap at L or R (5 + 10).
P33-II: 794(a,d,f)



Issued: 1894/95. The same as P33 but now with a type 2 watermark. Print control data consists of numerals and a small letter. P34 with gaps in the 1st and 2nd dotted address lines.

A P34 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Numbers and letter. And
5. Watermark: Yes, Wz 2. And
6. Gap: P33I - Only in 1st or 1st and 2nd dotted address lines. And
7. 'Wohnungs' Type I. And
8. Thicker solid line under 3rd dotted address line.


Valid Print Control data:
P34: 894(a), watermark 94 D m. Gaps in the 1st and 2nd address dotted lines at position right 5 + 10.



Issued: 1894. Domestic postcard (roller printing).This is the last issue that had a watermark. P36 does not have any print control date. There are two versions of this card: P36-I with a gap in the 1st and 2nd dotted address lines and P36-II which does not have a gap in the dotted address lines. There are a large number of different watermarks for this postcard.

A P36 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: No. And
5. Watermark: Yes, Wz 2. And
6. Gap: P36I - Only in 1st and 2nd dotted address line, P36II - No gaps. And
7. 'Wohnungstype' I. And
8. Thicker solid line under 3rd dotted address line.

P36 I
With a gap in dotted address line



Cards still produced by plate printing with changed imprint, now only digits without letter in the print control code. Only the question part has the print date control code. P38I has a gap in the 4th dotted line, P38II does not have the gap. Neither P38I or P38II has a watermark.

A P38 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: Number only. And
5. Watermark: No. And
6. Gap: P38I - Only in 4th dotted address line, P38II - No gaps. And
7, Thicker line under 3rd dotted address line.

P38 II
Date Code '899'

Valid Print date Control codes:
P38-I: 1098, 1198 (both only occur with a gap at position L30)
P38-II: 199, 299, 399, 499, 599, 699, 899, 999 and 1099.



Issued Aug 1900. Without any control mechanism - No gaps in the dotted lines, no print control date and no watermark. Issued for domestic use now with dark line under the 3rd dotted line and Wohnungstype II, foreign postcard with frame type b.

A P42 must have the following characteristics:
1. Stamp: 5Pf green, number in circle stamp with "REICHSPOST" inscription. And:
2. "An" further left than "In". And
3. Distance: Distance between the dotted address lines 15: 15: 10mm. And:
4. Control Date: No. And
5. Watermark: No And
6. Gap: No. And
7. 'Wohnungs' Type II. And
8. Thinner solid line under 3rd dotted address line.




1. MICHEL GANZSACHEN DEUTSCHLAND 2018. ISBN: 978-3-95402-225-0



This page was last updated
28-Apr-2021 06:46