US Presidents Issue

There are 32 stamps in the Presidential Issue of 1938 (excluding variations) and they range from ½c to $5. The lower denominations from ½c to 50c were rotary press printed whereas the 3 higher denominations $1 to $5 were flat plate printed.
Each stamp, except for the 1½c and the 4½c, depicts the portrait of a US president along with the presidents name and in some cases his period in office, e.g. the 2c stamps is inscribed 'JOHN ADAMS 1797-1801'.

Scott 803 to 831
US Presidents
Rotary Press Printing
Issued 1938 on unwatermarked paper and perf 11:10½.

Scott 832 to 834
US Presidents
Flat Plate Printing
Issued 1938 on unwatermarked paper and perf 11:10½.