Falkland Island
and Dependencies Stamps
SG Z95
'Falkland Island Scenes'
Overprinted 'SOUTH ORKNEYS'
Issued: 1938 to 1950. These stamps feature scenes from around Falkland Island and are recess printed on watermark multi script CA paper, perf 12.
Falkland Island defintive stamps with denominations above 1/- 3d were used at Laurie Island and Signy Island from 21st Feb 1944 to 31st Jan 1954. There were two circular cancels used inscribed 'FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCY' around the inside of the cancel and 'South Orkneys' horizontally in the middle of the cancel just above the date.
SG Z95
2/- 6d
2/- 6d
Quantity Issued: Unknown
Valid Until: Unknown