Stamps of 1945
(British Military Administration)
(Includes Singapore and the Malayan States)
On 2nd Sep 1945 the Japanese troops in Malaya surrendered and the British Administration returned. Initially there were no stamps available so all mail below 1 oz was delivered free until the stamps overprinted 'B M A | MALAYA' were made available from the 19th Oct 1945. These overprinted stamps were available through out all the Malayan states and in Singapore. From 1948 onwards each state began to issue its own stamps, the last being Kelantan 10th Jul 1951.
SG 1a to 18
'Straits Settlement Stamps'
'Overprinted B M A MALAYA'
Issued: 19th Oct 1945. Measuring 21 x 24mm and printed typography with multiple Script CA watermark and perf 14.
Plate I and II can be differentiated as follows:
Plate I: The palm fronds on the right palm tree do not touch the oval frame around the king. In addition the end of the fronds that are level with the King's eyes end in two points.
Plate II: The palm fronds on the right palm tree touch the oval frame around the king. In addition the end of the fronds that are level with the King's eyes end in one points.