Allenstein Stamps of 1920

Michel 1 to 14
"Germania and Representative Images"
Issued: 3rd Apr to 1st May 1920: These stamps are overprinted black "PLEBISCITE OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN". Printed typography and perf 14 x 14¼.

Michel 15 to 28
"Germania and Representative Images"
Issued: 20th May to 25th Jun 1920: These stamps are overprinted black "COMMISSION D'ADMINISTRATION ET DE PLEBISCITE. OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN. ART 94 et 95"
Michel I
Germania and Representative Images
Vote in East Prussia
Issued: Aug 1920: Vote in East Prussia. Printed typography on watermark lozenge paper and perf 14 x 14¼. This stamp was never in circulation. Overprinted PLEBISCITE OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN.

Michel II to VI
Germania and Representative Images
Vote in East Prussia
Issued: Aug 1920: Printed typography on watermark lozenge paper and perf 14 x 14¼. These stamps were never in circulation. Overprinted PLEBISCITE OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN except for Michel VI Overprinted with Oval Seal.