German Democratic Republic (DDR)
(East Germany)
Stamps of 1958

East Germany, officially the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische, DDR), was a country that existed from October 1949 until 1990, when the eastern portion of Germany was part of the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War. It described itself as a socialist "workers' and peasants' state" and the territory was administered and occupied by Soviet forces at the end of World War II — the Soviet Occupation Zone of the Potsdam Agreement, bounded on the east by the Oder–Neisse line. The Soviet zone surrounded West Berlin but did not include it; as a result, West Berlin remained outside the jurisdiction of the DDR.

Michel 616 and 617
"International Geophysics Year (II)"
Issued: 5th Feb 1958, Perf: 12½x13. Designed by Vogenaur to commemorate International Geophysics Year.

Michel 618 and 619
"Leipzig Spring Fair"
Issued: 27th Apr 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Rehm to commemorate the 1958 Leipzig Spring Fair.

Michel 620 and 621
"Communist Postal Conference, Moscow"
Issued: 6th Mar 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Prieß to commemorate the Communist Postal Conference, Moscow.

Michel 622 and 623
"President Wilhelm Peick (IV)"
Issued: Autumn 1957 through 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Eigler, reissue of President Wilhelm Pieck stamps.

Michel 624 and 625
"100th Anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Zille"
Issued: 20th Mar 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Friebel to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Zille.

Michel 626 and 627
"100th Anniversary of the birth of Max von Plank"
Issued: 23rd Apr 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Skribelka to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Max von Plank.

Michel 628 to 630
"6th Markkleeberg Agricultural Exhibition"
Issued: 4th Jun 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Rose to commemorate the 6th Markkleeberg Agricultural Exhibition.

Michel 631 to 632
"Charles Robert Darwin and Carl von Linne"
Issued: 19th Jun 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Skribelka and issued to commemorate the lives of Charles Robert Darwin and Carl von Linne.

Michel 633
"Fifth German Socialist Unity Party Congress"
Issued: 25th Jun 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Sauer to commemorate the Fifth German Socialist Unity Party Congress.

Michel 634
"Rostock Port Reconstruction"
Issued: 5th Jul 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Bengs to commemorate the reconstruction of Rostock Port.

Michel 635 to 639
"Resistance fighters"
Issued: 11th Jul 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Bengs and Skrbelka and famous resistance fighters.

Michel 640 to 642
"Grand Prize German Horse Show"
Issued: 22nd Jul 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Schoner and issued to commemorate the 'Grand Prize German Horse Show'.

Michel 643 and 644
"300th anniversary of the publication of the complete didactic works of
Comenius 'Opera didactica Omnia'"
Issued: 7th Aug 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Friebel and issued to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the publication of the complete didactic works of Comenius 'Opera didactica Omnia'.

Michel 645 and 646
"Tenth Anniversary of the East German Pioneer Organisation"
Issued: 10th Aug 1958. Perf: 12½x13. Designed by Klöpfel to celebrate the tenth Anniversary of the East German Pioneer Organisation.

Michel 647 and 648
"400th Anniversary of Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jens"
Issued: 19th Aug 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Schoner to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jens.

Michel 649 and 650
"Leipzig Autumn Fair"
Issued: 29th Aug 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Preiß and issued to celebrate the 1958 Leipzig Autumn Fair.

Michel 651
"Inauguration of the national memorial Buchenwald"
Issued: 15th Sep 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Weiß and Issued to commemorate the Inauguration of the national memorial Buchenwald.

Michel Block 15
"Minisheet - Inauguration of the national memorial Buchenwald"
Issued: 15th Sep 1958. Size: 140 x 95mm. Minisheet Issued to commemorate the Inauguration of the national memorial Buchenwald.

Michel 652 to 654
"Inauguration of the national memorial Buchenwald"
Issued: 15th Sep 1958. Issued to commemorate the Inauguration of the national memorial Buchenwald.

Michel 655 and 656
"Campaign against nuclear War"
Issued: 19th Sep 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Sauer and issued to commemorate the Campaign against nuclear War.

Michel 657 to 659
"1st Summer Military Games, Leipzig"
Issued: 19th Sep 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Leisner and issued to commemorate the 1st Summer Military Games, Leipzig.

Michel 660 to 661
"Stamp Day"
Issued: 23rd Oct 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Bengs and issued to commemorate the 1958 Stamp Day.

Michel 662
"40th Anniversary of the November Revolution"
Issued: 7th Nov 1958. Perf: 12½x13. Designed by Zimmermann and issued to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the November Revolution.

Michel 663 and 664
"Construction of the seaport at Rostock"
Issued: 24th Nov 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Bengs and issued to commemorate the Construction of the seaport at Rostock.

Michel 665 and 666
"10th Anniversary of the Magistrate of Greater Berlin
restoration of the Brandenburg Gate"
Issued: 29th Nov 1958. Perf: 13x13½. Designed by Friebel and issued to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Magistrate of Greater Berlin restoration of the Brandenburg Gate.

Michel 667 and 668
"Antique Atistic Treasures"
Issued: 2nd Dec 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Wittkugel and issued to commemorate Antique Atistic Treasures.

Michel 669 and 670
"10th Anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
Issued: 10th Dec 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Stauf and issued to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Michel 671
"1st Anniversary of of the death of Otto Nuschke"
Issued: 27th Dec 1958. Perf: 13½x13. Designed by Klöpfel and issued to commemorate the 1st Anniversary of of the death of Otto Nuschke.

Michel 672
"40th Anniversary of the Communist Party in Germany (KPD)"
Issued: 30th Dec 1958. Perf: 13x12½. Designed by Prieß and issued to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Communist Party in Germany (KPD).