France Stamps
Michel 673
'Liberation of France from Occupation'
Issued: 16th Jan 1945. Commemorating the Liberation of France from occupation. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 674 to 697
'Definitives - Multiple Images'
Issued: 1st Feb 1945 to 7th Aug 1946. Definitives featuring multiple images. Printed typography and perf comb 14:13½.
Michel 698 to 702
'Definitives - Marianne (Gandon)'
Issued: 15th Feb 1945 to 5th Jul 1946. Definitives - Marianne (Gandon). Printed intaglio and perf comb 14:13.
Michel 703 to 706
'Definitives - Marianne (Gandon)'
'Large Format'
Issued: 12th Mar to 14th May 1945. Definitives - Marianne (Gandon), large format. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 707 and 708
'Coat of Arms of Metz and Strassburg'
Issued: 5th Mar 1945. Coat of Arms of Metz and Strassburg. Printed intaglio and perf comb 14:13.
Michel 709 to 728
'Definitives - Marianne Dulac'
Issued: Dec 1944 to Nov 1945. Definitives - Marianne Dulac. Printed intaglio and perf comb 11½:12½.
Michel 729
'100th Anniv of birth of Sarah Bernhardt'
Issued: 16th May 1945. To Commemorate the 100th Anniv of birth of Sarah Bernhardt. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 730
'Tuberculosis Control'
Issued: 16th May 1945. To highlight Tuberculosis. Printed typography and perf comb 14:13½.
Michel 731
'War Victims'
Issued: 16th May 1945. To raise funds for War Victims. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 732
'Liberation of Alsace and Lorraine'
Issued: 16th May 1945. To Commemorate the liberation of Alsace and Lorraine. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 733
'Crusade for Clean Air'
Issued: 9th Jul 1945. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 734
'1st Anniv of the destruction of Oradour-sur-Glane'
Issued: 13th Oct 1945. To Commemorate the 1st anniversary of the destruction of Oradour-sur-Glane. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 735
'Stamp Day'
Issued: 13th Oct 1945. To Commemorate Stamp Day. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 736 to 739
'Reconstruction of Destroyed Cities'
Issued: 5th Nov 1945. To commemorate the Reconstruction of destroyed cities. Printed intaglio and perf comb 13.
Michel 183 to 186
'Parcel Post Stamps'
Issued: 1945. Parcel Post Stamps with railway motif and 'G' overprint. Printed perf comb 12½.
Michel 187 to 190
'Parcel Post Stamps'
Issued: 1945. Parcel Post Stamps with railway motif, the same as Michel 174 to 177 but now with black or violet overprint.
Michel 191 to 194
'Parcel Post Stamps'
Issued: 1945. Parcel Post Stamps with railway motif. Printed intaglio and typography and perf comb 12½.