Michel 341 to 350 'Queen Wilhelmina' '(1880-1962)'
Issued 1st Apr 1940 and featuring Queen Wilhelmina. These definitive stamps measure 22 x 26mm, are printed photogravure and are perf 13½ x 12¾ on watermarked paper '2x Rings horzontal'.
Issued 11th May 1940. These stamps feature famous Dutch people. The stamps measure 25 x 32mm, are printed recess and are perf 12½:12 on paper watermarked '2X Rings horizontal'.
Issued 7th Sep 1940. This stamp features painter Jan Steen and is surcharged 7½ + 2½c. This stamp measures 25 x 32mm, is printed recess and is perf 12½ x 12.
Issued 2nd Dec 1940. These stamps feature children. The stamps measure 21 x 30mm, are printed photogravure and are perf 14½ x 13½ on paper watermarked '2X Rings horizontal'.
Issued Apr 1940. These stamps feature Queen Wilhelmina and are overprinted 'COUR PERMANENTE DE JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE'. TheSE stamps measure 22 x 26mm, are printed photogravure and are perf 13½ x 12¾ on paper watermarked '2X Rings horizontal'.