Issued: 1st Jan 1875 to 1879. Regular issue numerals. Realm or Imperial Eagle in oval under a crown with ribbons (Krone/Adler). Denomination in "PFENNIGE", not to be confused with Michel 39 through Michel 44, the 1880 issue, which is denominated in "PFENNIG" without the trailing 'E'. Michel 31 and 32 Typography, Michel 33 thru 36 combined Typography and Embossed. Sheet 10x5 + 10x5 (horizontal gutter in between), perf 13½:14¼.
Mi 31 3pf light blue green, emerald green. more details
Mi 32 5pf medium to bright grey lilac. more details
Mi 33 10pf medium to bright lilac red. more details
Issued: 1st Jan 1875 to 1900. Regular issue for internal use. Numeral in oval. Printed typography on sheets (5x10)(vertical gutter between), perf 14¼:13½.
MICHEL 9 to 18 TELEGRAPH STAMPS (New Issue in Mark)
Issued: Jan 1875. Rosette pattern. Denomination and Mark currency printed in black or red. Perf K13½x14½. Note these telegraph stamps are inscribed "TELEGRAPHIE DES DEUTSCHEN REICHS" and should not be confused with the 1869 North German Confederation Telegraph Stamps which are inscribed "NORDDEUTSCHE BUNDES TELEGRAPHIE".