Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg.
Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg.
The Reichstag, Germany's seat of Government in Berlin is set on fire. Hitler responds by arresting political opponents and issues and emergency presidential decree.
The Reichstag, Germany's seat of Government in Berlin is set on fire. Hitler responds by arresting political opponents and issues and emergency presidential decree.
The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany
The Reichstag passes the Enabling Act, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany

MICHEL 479 to 481
Issued 12th April 1933: These 3 stamps show Frederick the Great, King of Prussia (1712 to 1786) from a painting by Adolph von Menzel (1815 to 1905). These stamps were available on engraved sheets (10x10) and in stamp booklets. The stamps have a waffle/network watermark and are perf 14x14¼.
These stamps were issued in sheets of 100, the 6Rpf and 12Rpf stamps were also issued in booklet form. There were two separate issues and in both cases the stamps are identical except for variations in the respective colours from light to dark. These stamps were produced in unknown quantities and were valid until Dec 31st 1935.
An official postcard Mi P248 and an official postmark were issued to coincide with the celebration.

MICHEL 482 to 495
(Changed colours and new values)
Issued 1933: These stamps were issued in Sheets of 100 throughout 1933 and were valid until the end of the war in May 1945. The 6Rpf, and 8Rpf values were also printed in booklet form. The 3Rpf, 4Rpf, 6Rpf, 8Rpf, 10Rpf, 12Rpf, 20Rpf, 30Rpf and 50Rpf values were also issued on coils of 100 or more stamps.
For help in determining the correct identification for the Hindenburg Medallions please use the Hindenburg Cross Reference table.
There are a few minor anomalies to look out for, for example Mi 482, the 3RPf stamp has a variant 482x which was produced with yellow gum. There are also examples of the 'D' in the word Deutschland having an 'open D' compared to the more usual 'closed D'. I have an example of Mi 485 with the 'Open D' in my collection.

(Nazi Party Rally)
30th Aug to 3rd Sep 1933. The 5th Nazi Party Congress was held in Nuremberg and was called the "Rally of Victory" (Reichsparteitag des Sieges) in reference to the Nazi seizure of power. There were no special stamps released to commemorate the annual Nazi Party rally in 1933, however there was a special postmark that was used.

Michel 496 to 498
World's Fair
'Chicagofahrt Weltausstellung 1933'
Issued 25th Sep 1933: Celebrates the 50th Crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by the airship 'Graf Zeppelin L.Z 127' whilst visiting the Chicago World's Fair. These 3 stamps, 1RM, 2RM and 4RM were valid through the end of 1937. They copy the design of the original 1928 and 1931 Zeppelin stamps but have an additional "Chicagofahrt Weltausstellung 1933" overprint. These stamps were printed on sheets of 100 and featured a waffle watermark.
There was a special postmark used for this flight. "Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin 50th ozeanüberquerung - Oktober 1933 - Südamerika-Chicago fahrt" - Airship Graf Zeppelin 50th ocean crossing - October 1933 - South America-Chicago flight.

MICHEL 499 to 507
(Deutsche Nothilfe)
Richard Wagner
Issued 1st Nov 1933: This series of 9 stamps depict various operas by Richard Wagner (1813 to 1883) and were the first stamps to feature a swastika watermark. This was one of the first steps in the Nazification of the postal system and it was a subtle sign of the Nazi's beginning to move into all aspects of German life, later on this progressed to Nazi Swastika and party symbols being more overtly displayed on postal materials.
These stamps were issued concurrent with an Emergency Aid postcard Michel P249 issued on the same day.
There was no special postmark for this series however a slogan postmark, issued on the 6th March 1933, is sometimes associated these stamps. There was also a Souvenir Sheet related to this stamp issue.

Issued 29th Nov 1933: These stamps are a re-issue of the 1924 Nothilfe charity stamps now overprinted '1923-1933'. This sheet has a large watermark "10 Jahre Deutsche Nothilfe 1923-1933" and the stamps have a swastika watermark. The paper used to manufacture this sheet was hand made so these exist in varying thickness of paper. Only 64,000 of these sheets was ever produced so they are among the most expensive Nazi era postal memorabilia and hence out of the range of many collectors.
Mi508-511: Block 2 Minisheet
More Details
More Details

MICHEL 512X to 528X
Issued 1933 to 1936: This re-issue of the Hindenburg Medallions was using Swastika watermarked paper. The issue dates for the individual values are difficult to determine as these stamps were issued as required. The 1RPf is an exception as it was a new value necessitated by the change in postal tariffs and was issued on 4th December 1933. As these stamps were produced over a long period of time, they do show significant variations in colour and shade. The 3Rpf and the 10Rpf also exist with inverted watermarks.
These Hindenburg Medallions were also issued as vending machine stamps and booklets.
For help in determining the correct identification for the Hindenburg Medallions please use the Hindenburg Cross Reference table.
There are also examples of Mi 517 where the 'D' in the word Deutschland has an 'open D' compared to the more usual 'closed D'. Mi516 exists imperforate and there are examples of Mi517 which are imperforate or imperforate on either the left or the right side.