German Democratic Republic (DDR)
(East Germany)
Stamps of 1953

East Germany, officially the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische, DDR), was a country that existed from October 1949 until 1990, when the eastern portion of Germany was part of the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War. It described itself as a socialist "workers' and peasants' state" and the territory was administered and occupied by Soviet forces at the end of World War II — the Soviet Occupation Zone of the Potsdam Agreement, bounded on the east by the Oder–Neisse line. The Soviet zone surrounded West Berlin but did not include it; as a result, West Berlin remained outside the jurisdiction of the DDR.

Michel 342 and 343
"President Wilhelm Pieck (III), New Design "
Issued: 3rd Jan 1953 until 1955. Perf: 13x13½, Watermark: various, available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and featuring President Wilhelm Pieck. This is the third issue of the presidents stamps, see also 1950 Michel 251-255 and 1952 Michel 322-326.

Michel 344 to 353
"70th Anniversary of Death of Karl Marx"
Issued: 14th Mar to 5th May 1953. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz. 2 and available on sheets in both portrait (10x5) and landscape (5x10) formats. Designed by Thomas and Eigler and issued to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx. For more details on these stamps please click the link below each image.

Michel 354
"85th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Gorki"
Issued: 28th Mar 1953. Perf: 13½x13, various watermarks and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the 75th Birthday of Maxim Gorki.

Michel 355 to 357
"6th International Cycle Race - Prague - Berlin - Warsaw"
Issued: 2nd May 1953. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 2 in different type and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the International long distance Cycling event - Prague - Berlin - Warsaw.

Michel 358 to 361
"700 Anniversary of Frankfurt on the Oder"
Issued: 6th Jul 1953. Perf: 13x13½, various watermarks and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Gruner and issued to celebrate the 700th Anniversary of the founding of Frankfurt on the Oder.

Michel 362 to 379
"First Five Year Plan (I)"
Issued: 10th Aug to 21st Nov 1953. Perf: 13x12½, watermark Wz 2 and available on sheets (10x10). Designer by Gruner issued to coincide with the first 5 year plan.
The stamp images, comoposed of minute dots, differs from the re-print Michel 405-422 where the images are composed of solid lines. Also none of the stamps is this issue feature the designer's name at the bottom edge of the stamp, whereas many of the stamps in the second issue have Gruner's name at the bottom left.
Note also that the fonts are different (this issue the letters are thiner) and the 'A' of 'DEMOKRATISCHE' is between the 'H' and 'E' of 'DEUTSCHE' in this issue, whereas on the second issue the 'A' of 'DEMOKRATISCHE' is directly under the 'E' of 'DEUTSCHE'.

Michel 380 and 381
"Leipzig Autumn Fair"
Issued: 29th Aug 1953. Perf: 13x13½, various watermarks and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Gruner and issued to commemorate the 1953 Leipzig Autumn Fair.

Michel 382 and 383
"200th anniversary of death of famous German architects"
Issued: 16th Sep 1953. Perf: 13x12½, watermark Wz 2 and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Death of famous German architects Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff (1699-1753) and Balthasar Neumann (1687-1753).

Michel 384
"400th Anniversary of the death of Lucas von Cranach"
Issued: 16th Oct 1953. Perf: 13x13½, various watermarks and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the death of Lucas von Cranach (1472-1553).

Michel 385
"First Year of the Red Cross in the DDR"
Issued: 23rd Oct 1953. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 2 and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the First Year of the Red Cross in the DDR.

Michel Block 8
"Karl Marx Year Minisheet"
Issued: 24th Oct 1953 and 10th Dec. Various Perfs, various watermarks. Designed by Eigler and issued to celebrate the life of Karl Marx.

Michel 386 to 391
"Karl Marx Year"
Issued: 25th Oct 1953. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 2 and issued on minisheet Block 8. Designed by Eigler and issued to celebrate Karl Marx Year.

Michel Block 9
"Karl Marx Year Minisheet"
Issued: 10th Dec 1953. Minisheet, designed by Eigler and issued to celebrate the life of Karl Marx.

Michel 392 to 395
"Karl Marx Year Minisheet"
Issued: 10th Dec 1953. Issued as part of Michel Block 9 and designed by Eigler and issued to celebrate the life of Karl Marx.

Michel 396
"Stamp Day"
Issued: 25th Oct 1953. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 2 and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Gruner and issued to celebrate Stamp Day.

Michel 397
"75th Anniversary of Leipzig Zoo"
Issued: 2nd Nov 1953. Perf: K 13x13½, various watermarks and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Gruner and issued to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Leipzig Zoo.

Michel 398 to 403
"German Patriotism"
Issued: 9th to 30th Nov 1953. Perf: 13x12½, watermark Wz 2 and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Bade and Eigler and issued to celebrate German patriotism.

Michel 404
"125th Anniversary of the death of Franz von Schubert"
Issued: 13th Nov 1953. Perf: 13½x13, various watermarks and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler in celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the death of Franz von Schubert (1797-1828).

Michel 405 to 422
"Five Year Plan (II) - Reprint"
Issued: 21st Nov 1953. Perf: 13x12½, watermark 2 and available on sheets (10x10). Designed by Grunner, reprint issued to coincide with the 5 year plan. Designs in lines.
Distinguishing features of this issue of the "five-year plan": Black print, dots replaced by lines or hatching, "DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK" in strong, thicker font. 'A' in 'DEMOCRATISCHE' is under 'E' of 'DEUTSCHE'. The tip of the left compass in the five-year emblem touches the tip of the end of the '5'. Michel 405, 406, 408, 409, 411, 413-416 and 418-422 with the name of the designer 'Gruner' and 'Wolf' on the lower edge of the stamp.