German Democratic Republic (DDR)
(East Germany)
Stamps of 1952

East Germany, officially the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische, DDR), was a country that existed from October 1949 until 1990, when the eastern portion of Germany was part of the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War. It described itself as a socialist "workers' and peasants' state" and the territory was administered and occupied by Soviet forces at the end of World War II — the Soviet Occupation Zone of the Potsdam Agreement, bounded on the east by the Oder–Neisse line. The Soviet zone surrounded West Berlin but did not include it; as a result, West Berlin remained outside the jurisdiction of the DDR.

Michel 298 and 299
"Winter Sports Championships of the DDR"
Issued: 12th Jan 1952, Perf: 13½x13, Watermark: 1 and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Liedke and Weber and issued to comemmorate the Winter Sports Championships of the DDR, this year staged in Oberhof. The 12Pf features a long distance skier being cheered on by the crowd and the 24Pf depicts a ski jumper. Both stamps have the inscription "3. WINTERSPORTMEISTERSCHAFTEN OBERHOF 1952. DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK".

Michel 300 and 301
"125th Anniversary of the death of Luidwig Van Beethoven"
Issued: 26th Mar 1952. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 1 and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the death of Ludwig Von Beethoven (1770-1827).

Michel 302
"State visit by Klement Gottwald"
Issued: 1st May 1952. Perf: 13x13½, watermark Wz 1 and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the State visit of Klement Gottwald (1896-1953), the Czechoslovakian President. The stamp features an image of Gottwald with Hradschin Castle, Prague and Brandenburger Tor in Berlin in the background.

Michel 303 to 306
"National reconstruction program, Berlin"
Issued: 1st May 1952. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 1 and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the National reconstruction program in Berlin. The 12Pf stamp features debris being removed from residential buildings in Stalinallee. The 24Pf stamp depicts workers constructing a wall and the 30Pf shows carpenters constructing a bridge. Finally the 50Pf shows engineers consulting a blue print whilst constructing a building.

Michel 307
"International Bicycle Tour for Peace Warsaw, Berlin, Prague"
Issued: 5th May 1952. Perf: 13½x13, watermark Wz 1 and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Liedke and Weber and issued to celebrate the International Bicycle Tour for Peace from Warsaw, to Prague via Berlin.

Michel 308 to 310
"Handelfest, Halle (Saale), famous composers"
Issued: 5th Jul 1952. Perf: 13½x13, various watermarks and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eiger and featuring famous composers from Halle. The 6Pf depicts Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759), the 8Pf Albert Lortzing (1801-1851) and finally the 50Pf features Carl Maria von Weber (1876-1826)

Michel 311 to 314
"Births and deaths of famous personalities"
Issued: 11th Aug 1952. Perf: K13x13½, watermark Wz 1 and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the Births and deaths of famous personalities. The 12Pf features French Poet Victor Hugo (1802-1885). The 20Pf depicts Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian Painter, engineer, inventor.
The 24Pf stamps shows Russian Poet Nikolaj Gogol (1809-1852) and the 35Pf depicts Perisan philosopher and artist Avicenna (Ibn Sina)(980-1037).

Michel 315 and 316
"Leipzig Autumn fair"
Issued: 7th Sep 1952. Perf: K13x13½, photogravure, various watermarks and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate this years Leipzig Autumn Fair. The two stamp images are the same and feature the Leipzig coat of arms with fair sign, Heavy engineering, earth (globe) and a friendship dove.

Michel 317
"100th Anniversary of the death of Johann Friedrich Ludwig Christoph Jahn"
Issued: 15th Oct 1952. Perf: K13½x13, various watermarks and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the death of Johann Friedrich Ludwig Christoph Jahn (German educator, nationalist publicist and politician who initiated the German gymnastics movement).

Michel 318
"450th Anniversary of the Halle-Wittenberg University"
Issued: 18th Oct 1952. Perf: K13x13½, various watermarks and available on sheets (5x10). Designed by Gruner and issued to commemorate the 450th Anniversary of the Halle-Wittenberg University. The stamp features the main building of Wittenberg University, the oldest building still used by the university.

Michel 319
"Stamp Day"
Issued: 26th Oct 1952. Perf: K13½x13, watermark Wz 2 YI and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to coincide with Stamp Day 1952. The stamp depicts flags, a wreath, a copy of Michel 252 a friendship dove and a hammer

Michel 320 and 321
"People's Congress for Peace, Vienna"
Issued: 8th Dec 1952. Perf: K13½x13, various watermarks and available on sheets (10x5). Designed by Eigler and issued to celebrate the People's Congress for Peace in Vienna. The stamps features the Earth (globe) with a band of flags and a friendship dove over St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna

Michel 322 to 326
"President Wilhelm Pieck (II)"
Issued: Aug 1952 through 1953. Perf: Michel 322 to 324 K13x12½, Michel 325 and 326 K13:13½, various paper types as well as watermarks. Designed by Gravenhorst and featuring President Wilhelm Pieck, second issue.

Michel 327 to 341
"Personalities from politics, art and science"
Issued: 16th Apr 1952 through 1953. Perf: 13x12½, various paper types and watermarks. Designed by Ilgenfritz and featuring Personalities from politics, art and science.