Bohemia and Moravia
Souvenir Sheets

Germany annexed the Sudentenland region of Czechoslovakia on 1st Oct 1938 leaving the rest of the country virtually defenceless. On 15th Mar 1939 the German Army occupied the remaining part of the country declaring it the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Two days later Hitler visited his latest acquisition, an event commemorated by the first two Souvenir sheets below. The region remianed under brutal Nazi ccupation until the final days of the war in Mar 1945.

17th/18th Mar 1939
Hitler's Visit to Prague and Brno
This Souvenir Sheet commemorates the visit of Adolf Hitler to Prague and Brno and is cancelled in Prague on the 18th Mar 1939 and Brno on the previous day, 17th May 1941.
Souvenir Sheet 1

17th/18th Mar 1939
Hitler's Visit to Prague and Brno
This souvenir sheet is a slighty different version of the Souvenir sheet above. It too commemorates the visit of Adolf Hitler to Prague and Brno but features a different selection of stamps.
Souvenir Sheet 2

20th Apr 1939
Hitler's 50th Birthday
This souvenir sheet was cancelled in Prague with a special cancel on the 20th Apr 1939, Hitler's 50th birthday. It features a photograph of Adolf Hitler with a Reichs Adler (eagle) and swastika in its talons. It also has oak leaves and acorns symbolising strength and longevity.
Souvenir Sheet 3