My Bohemia and Moravia Stamps

Michel A1
Defintive Stamp
'President Masaryk'
Issued 13th April 1939. Designed by Heinz and engraved on sheets (20x10), Perf L12½. This stamp does not have the "BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN" overprint but was issued just after the creation of the protectorate.

Michel B1
Airmail Stamp
'Airplane over country'
Issued 22nd April 1939. Designed by Seizinger and engraved on sheets (10x10 and 10x5), Perf L13¾. This stamp does not have the "BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN" overprint but was issued just after the creation of the protectorate.

Michel 1 to 19
Portraits and Landscapes
Issued 15th July 1939. Czechoslovak issued stamps with "BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN / CECHY a MORAVA" overprint. Former country name obliterated using 3 lines.

Michel 20 to 37
Linden Leaves with Fruit and Scenery
Issued 29th July 1939 to 1942. Designed by Schaumann, Heinz, Vondrous and Silovsky.

Michel 42 to 50
Newspaper Stamps - Dove
Issued 25th Aug 1939. Designed by Prof. Benda. Available on sheets (10x10) imperforate. This version of these stamps has the inscription 'Böhmen u. Mähren' and should not be confused with Michel 117 to 125, the 1943 re-issue, which is inscribed 'DEUTSCHES REICH'.

Michel 51
Definitive Stamp for Mass Mailing
Issued 1st Dec 1939. Definitive stamp for mass mailing of commercial printed matter at a reduced rate.

Michel 52
Service Stamp
Issued 1st Dec 1939. Service stamp exclusively for delivery only to addressee. Designed by Erhardt, photogravure on sheets (10x10), Perf L13½.

Michel 1 to 14
Postage Due Stamps
Issued 1st Dec 1939 to 10th Jun 1940. Postage Due Stamps with value in branches and flowers. Designed by Erhardt on sheets (5x10) perf K14.

Michel 15
Postage Due Stamps
Issued 1st Dec 1939. Postage Due Stamps for delivery diectly to the recipient. Designed by Erhardt on sheets (10x5 tete-beche pairs) perf K13½.

Local Issues Mährisch-Ostrau

Michel 1 to 5
Overprinted Czechsolvakian definitive stamps
Issued 16th Mar 1939. Czechoslovakian definitive stamps and special issue stamps with a 3 line overprint.

Michel 6 to 19
Definitive Stamps Portraits and Scenery
Czechoslovakian definitive stamps with overprint.

Michel 20 to 27
Overprinted Airmail Stamps
Czechoslovakian airmail stamps with overprint.

Michel 28 and 29
88th birthday of Thomas Masaryk
Czechoslovakian airmail stamps with overprint.

Michel A29
Special Issue Stamp Exposition
Czechoslovakian stamps with overprint.

Michel 30 to 31
20th Anniversary of the Republic with overprint
Czechoslovakian stamps with overprint.

Michel 32 to 40
Overprinted Newspaper Stamps
Czechoslovakian newspaper stamps with overprint.