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- P164 - Imperial Eagle
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- P178 - Beethoven
- P185 - Ebert
- P188 - Ebert
- P189 - Ebert
- P191 - Ebert
- P192 - Ebert
- P201 - Ebert
- P202 - Ebert
- P221 - Hindenburg
- P231 - Hindenburg
- P232 - Hindenburg
- P233 - Hindenburg
- P236 - Hindenburg
- P238 - Hindenburg
- P304 - Hitler
- P305 - Hitler
- P307 - Hitler
The First Ebert series of Get to Know Germany appeared in early 1928 and are refered to as P185 in the Michel series. This series comprises a total of 10 different cards. Cards of the first Ebert series are easily identified by the (1) there is no border running around the edges of the cards, (2) elongated tail on the 'e' of 'Postkarte', (3) a thick central dividing line that is dark green in the middle and light green either side and a (4) thick dark green line under the third dotted address line. This first series does depicts scenes from around Germany on the left upper pane but does not have the 'Lernt Deutschland Kennen!' title and is included here for completeness.
P185 / 01
Cleve, Schwanenburg
Cleve, Schwanenburg
P185 / 02
Darmstadt, Ortsansicht
Darmstadt, Ortsansicht
P185 / 03
Bad Ester (Sachsen), Kurhaus
Bad Ester (Sachsen), Kurhaus
P185 / 04
Geiβen, Lahntal
Geiβen, Lahntal
P185 / 05
Kelheim (Bayern), Befreiungshalle
Kelheim (Bayern), Befreiungshalle
P185 / 06
Meiningen, Theater
Meiningen, Theater
P185 / 07
Michelstadt, Rathaus
Michelstadt, Rathaus
P185 / 08
Michelstadt, Stadion
Michelstadt, Stadion
P185 / 09
Neumünster (Holstein), Fabriken
Neumünster (Holstein), Fabriken
P185 / 10
Schweinfurt, Ortsansicht
Schweinfurt, Ortsansicht