The 1934 postcard page has now been split into four separate pages as it was beginning to get unwieldy. All 1934 Official postcards are now on this page. Official postcards are cards that were issued by the Reich’s post office, had pre-printed (indicia) stamps and were widely available throughout German towns and cities.
Secondly Printed to Private Order postcards are postcards that were generally issued by entities that were advertising an event or commemorating an anniversary, and also had pre-printed stamps, but were not widely available throughout Germany (most were only available at the event they were commemorating).
Thirdly Other postcards are postcards that fall into the same general category as printed to private order however they do not have pre-printed stamps.
Finally, Miscellaneous postcards is where you will find postcards that do not fit into the first three categories (i.e. they are not official, they do not have pre-printed stamps, and they do not commemorate an event).
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(21st Mar 1934)
This card advertises a brand of cough syrup and drops called 'Tussipect'. It was addressed to a doctor in Halle and has a 3Rpf Hindenburg Medallion stamp cancelled in HAMBURG on 21st Mar 1934.
The reverse of the card provides pricing for the various forms in which the medicine was available e.g., Syrup 220g, 1.59RM or Drops 20g 0.75RM.
There is an additional slogan cancellation that reads "KämRpft mit | gegen hunger | und Kälte" - 'Fight | against hunger | and cold'.

(14th Apr 1934)
This card is an invitation to a stamp collector to attend a meeting of the German Philatelic Association on 28th Apr 1934.
The message translates as:
German Philatelic Association e.V. Gößnitz Local Association Zwickau.
Dear Mr.
We hereby invite you on
Monday, April 28th, 1934. 8 p.m. in the bathing garden.
In addition to important items on the agenda,
we would like to point out a lecture that is of particular
interest to you and a submission of parts of
a special collection.
With philatelic greetings,
The club management.
Dear Mr.
We hereby invite you on
Monday, April 28th, 1934. 8 p.m. in the bathing garden.
In addition to important items on the agenda,
we would like to point out a lecture that is of particular
interest to you and a submission of parts of
a special collection.
With philatelic greetings,
The club management.